Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Management Consultancy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation


Businesses and organizations including small and medium size enterprises recognize implementing social responsibility programmes can be complex and challenging. To contribute more effectively to sustainable development and integrate social responsibility, we identify their strengths and weaknesses, have a clear vision and strategy, recognize management systems and motivate workforce positively.  This fosters good relations amongst internal and external stakeholders and consumers of products and services.

Our team will work with you to ensure your CSR structure is a conduit for company to build trust with stakeholders in its sphere of influence (investors, shareholders, local government, communities, employees, civil societies) and ensure loyalty and long-term commitment to its products, services and brands.

a)       Philanthropy (Corporate Responsibility) Programme:

Philanthropy is most often seen in the form of financial contributions but it can also include time and resources. The concept behind philanthropy involves making an effort to drive social change. Corporations may also be directly involved in philanthropy by partnering closely with a cause, or, in some cases, by bringing the efforts in-house.

We help build community leaders and make positive impacts in communities they work and, in some cases, live in. Some corporations have entire departments dedicated to managing their charitable gifts and philanthropic programmes. Although philanthropy and charity are separated by definition, the two are commonly lumped into a single category within the corporate atmosphere. Philanthropy and charity are both programmes of giving that are not necessarily limited to the communities where they operate. Most often, they simply select causes and then contribute on a financial level. We encourage employees to get involved in philanthropic work, giving and volunteering.

b)      Ethical Business Programme:

The primary focus on ethics is to provide fair labor practices for businesses’ employees as well as the employees of their suppliers. Fair business practices for employees include equal pay for equal work and living wage compensation initiatives. Ethical labor practices for suppliers include the use of products that have been certified as meeting fair trade standards.

c)     Mentorship Programme:

Mentor or partnership programmes connect people who have specific skills and knowledge (mentors) with individuals who need or want the same skills and advantages to move up in work, skill level, or performance.

d)     NGO Programme:

NGO is a non-profit organization which works towards the betterment of society. It’s a broad term. NGO’s are organized on a local, national and international level to serve specific local and political issues. NGO’s rely on various sources for funding projects and salaries. As part of your company’s CSR efforts collaborating with an NGO would provide added value to your business impacts and can create sustainable partnerships.